Posts Tagged ‘Brian’

went to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting

July 16, 2011

there was free coffee and cookies there. I think my epilepsy is what encouraged me to drink, because when i was pushed too hard in stress, my brain and emotions would feel really uncomfortable, and i would start to feel weird, and then i would drink beer to get better. But now that i’m on medication for epilepsy, i don’t feel the need to drink to stabilize myself, because now i can take the pills that i’m prescribed with to get better.

I love you, i went to Christian Science reading room, have you ever seen those? It has to do with healing without medical help, the way that Jesus was able to make people whole. I know that we still need medical help sometimes, but they gave me a $15 book for free. So i’m learning about the divine principals that allowed Jesus to help make people whole, by correcting the errors of their beliefs or whatever, and helping them know about their divine infinite mind of God that we are all given, and are all one in.

I enjoyed some of the literature, where i am composing literature, and bringing up the past qualms with Brian and Dustin. Throw in a lil’ Doyle sauce, mention Rik a bit. It helps me become you. Hey Todd remember that “i got pregnant by you through Timmy.” That was a good line, you’ve probably seen some of these at the other branch too.

Branch of the tribe, if i make Israel a tribe, or no, i mean i talked to Michelle a Jewish girl who lives in Lima Peru, i asked her if i can make Peru my Israel, and she said bring the tribe.

i hope i don’t fill up your gmail inbox, i’m sorry if i do

July 15, 2011

RT @AngelaSimmons Don’t be afraid of failure.. You’ll step on many rocks while climbing to the top.

the end of this e-mail is critisizing Monica’s family. Because they do the same thing some of my friends did from high school. When the going gets tough, the tough conform harder, and pretend they never knew each other, and pull together not with each other, but with other who conform to a status quo.

It covers up your conformity, if you make a social group that looks alterna-trendy, like some past counterculture (hippie, punk, something that is a theme at the mall, so you still get mainstream acceptance, but you already know these tricks) stay more alterna-trendy corporate, not avant garde, don’t try to make your own trends, it’s too dangerous, you might end up like Elder Kurt, and not have a steady job, or occupation, and have to rely on some unseen hand of the Lord, that sounded too religious, but everytime i go to some religious group, i always ruffle feathers, because i don’t say anything that fits the criteria of a pre-established category of Christianity, so all these religious groups are just conformist cunts too. (Like their parents)

so scared to do something new, you haven’t even started tweeting yet, and that’s almost news now. and sticking up for a humanitarian issue, how did you go so soft, and conformist?

but this program called S.O.A.R is the program they step by step take me through the process of applying and doing all the legal things i need to do, to get disability

i’m guessing that when you got put on disability, it was money hungry stallion Michael, being a hero with his greedy stupid lawyers again, and that’s how you got disability,

but i don’t have Michael and his money hungry corrupt lawyers to help me. So i’m going to do my disability in an honest manner, and it won’t be controlled by greedy power and money hungry people who always pretend to be heroes while they are stabbing in the back to put themselves above you.

I love you, that’s why i’m not going to be a hero and deceive you in order to put myself above you, because i know you are probably smarter than all those dumb older siblings of yours and Michael, who only are above you because they are more aggressive, and bond together to be negative towards anyone who isn’t in the inner circle their little money grubbing social group.

I’m going to build myself up in an honest fashion, and follow the Lord, you know like that “choose who you will serve, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” they can have their corrupt lawyers, and the lying Mormons who only enjoy being Mormons so they can hide in Utah, they won’t be Mormons anywhere besides Utah, they just want to hide with all the fake Mormons in Utah who just enjoy going to church, so they can meet other scammers to figure out how to “persecure their lesser brethren” which is what Michael is always looking for a means to do.

That’s how he got the reverse mortgage so he could be a hero and take Star to Italy, because he was persecuting your dad, and tricking him into doing a reverse mortgage for his own greedy gain, and pretending to be a hero to your family while doing it, and i’m guessing he’s the one who did the same thing to get you on disability, because it would probably kill them to see you successful and making your own money, and not having to rely on their control system, because your family has control issues, and they are envious control freeks and can’t stand to see you doing anything besides relying on them, so they can control you, and Star. That’s really not righteous behavior on their part,

hey Brian, do we know anything about global marketing?

July 15, 2011

marketing, serving a client. Do we need clientele and personnel? That seems like a simple basic formula to get the ball rolling, or is it the continuous flow of data? Cost 15 cents to print it do you want to do that?

Yahweh, does that sound more official if i say Yah and Yahweh? Yeshua, there now we have a strong ministry on our hands. The babe inertia we tap into,

need to give Brian and Dustin a rest, but yesterday hurt me more than it hurt them.

anointing the feral cats of Georgia

July 15, 2011

is that like the Nashville cats Brian? Brian?

i’m like all full of hype, er no wait that’s just me emulating the behavior of my nephew who just got off his army base in Mississippi. But i can emulate that hype, and might get some scraps of cunt also. Outsourcing, i think i sensed that word perked up Brian’s nostrils, and hears. (the ears are hears in this language) Bry Ministries, and outsourcing offices, i know Brian doesn’t want to come to Vietnam and Indonesia with me, to set up toe.

A bill for more than $20,000 from the Provo medical regional center. At one point, Doctor Harlan had me in his custody, and had to appeal to the court to decide if i was goin
g to be turned over to state custody. So i guess $20,000 is a small price to pay, to not be turned over to state custody, and be put in the state mental hospital. Got a greyhound to Moffat instead, and began this journey that is being continued in this e-mail.

have a dream that one day long dicussions and conversations would break out on my facebook wall, everytime i do a status update. Feel inadequate and not interesting enough when there is no response to my facebook wall update.

I was a little bit hard on Brian yesterday, and Dustin. But Carina said that i’m making Brian stronger by challenging him out of his self absorbed corporate shell. Or she just said “i think you are making Brian stronger” when i worried if i am hurting the tiger.

Brian, Dustin, and Utah senators, greetings

July 15, 2011

would have a ministry that hasn’t been this annoying since the advent of the Mormons. “these people have come into our town, and taken all our daughters as their wives and concubines, into their log cabin harems, and now we have no more girls for our sons. Let us tar and feather, and chase them out in an angry mob with torches of fire…”

Bry Ministries was a little different. Outsourced for concubines in Vietnam, and Indonesia. Even some places in the middle east where Christianity had never laid a toe or a puss. (This is like poetic scripture so far, but that’s how Elder Kurt’s e-mails come out these days).

in the counseling session: “do you ever have feelings that you are something great, or magnificent?” (searching for delusions of grandeur in the client. No that was President Monson, and President Hinckley before him, and all the Mormon prophets, they were suffering from the Christ complexes, they were suffering from the extremely charismatic delusions of grandeur. But the ministry and the voices coming out of Bry Ministries, this is the real thing baby. (Psychiatrist takes notes in yellow pad, writes prescription).

hey, Brian, Dustin, hows the high horses holding up?

July 15, 2011

Brian and Rik are still in that “i have to block you on facebook, because i am on here also to impress clients and employers” well we know who is going to have the survival skills when the shit goes down, and impressing others with image isn’t going to matter so much. Or is the post apocalypse features (feathers) even more strong than that, that you have to have an even more polished up image to survive?

I’ve done away with the polished up internet image in order to survive long ago, why haven’t you grown out of that phase? (laughs down his cornhole in response)

why was i never included in bitch fuck games, Brian always wanted to rub my nose in the pussy he got first. (wallow for 2 hours) what? This is kind of like digital in 95, only it’s some other event happening in 2011, that i can’t quite describe what happened, they don’t have words for this, but it’s a lot more significant than going digital in 95.

you should have just seen this spanish hussy storm out of here (Spanish Hussy, there’s something of a dream Brian would never block) thinking to himself, Elder Kurt, decides to share his dreams, that Dustin and Brian would never be able to block. But the cockblocking feature is still there, if you can’t block my dreams, you have to fold all the dreams you siphoned from earlier too.

Suddenly you see Elder Kurt on stage, and Brian and Dustin in the soup kitchen. But don’t worry, you can still write angry e-mails, reverse the previous activity that we used to entertain ourselves off Kurt’s hardship, the last will be first and the first will be last, i will sort of be entertained by your hardship, i might respond though. I’m not quite as stuck up as Brian and Dustin to give the silent treatment while someone from my past is going through a soup kitchen and feels alienated, i wouldn’t give the silent treatment to compound the alienation. I’m not quite as stuck up as Brian and Dustin, those guys are really snobs.

You have to pay Brian to get him to teach you how to do something.

Get it all out of your system Kurt, you know you earned it.

Is this the dialogue they say in the Mormon temple? I like the part where i was making fun of Kevin and his statement that made Matt kill himself, after Kevin made fun of him at Duffy’s 4 years earlier, and made him the laughing stock of Duffy’s Tavern.

You’ve always had comforting support, from family, and whatever girlfriend and her family you latched onto. I had that too,

(who is he talking to now?) if this strikes a nerve chord with you, i might be talking to you, or just trying to get under your skin, so i can see what you are thinking now, through remote probing of your thoughts, like you don’t do that to me, provoke me with your snotty silent treatment. That is so gay and lame, gay and lame (we’re not going to talk to Kurt for 3 centuries after reading this e-mail)